October 2012

Property Tax Reform

by Tiberius Gracchus on October 30, 2012

Our property tax system is in desperate need of reform. No longer should we support an overly complex wealth redistribution bureaucracy with our tax dollars. We have a natural right to occupy land since God gave all mankind the earth. Our society respects that equal right amongst its citizenry and has been founded with the […]


Sunshine and Thunderstorms

There has been enough interest by some within the Pierre and Ft. Pierre communities to proposition and debate the possibility of establishing casino type gambling in Ft. Pierre through state legislation. I ask, is it a blessing or a punishment for the residents of Ft. Pierre? Our closest example of such a change is Deadwood. […]

Read the full article → October 29, 2012 by Tiberius Gracchus

Tyranny of the Masses

I am writing to draw your attention to the National Popular Vote movement. South Dakota Senate Bill 138 was written and tabled during the 2011 legislative session. It was the most recently dropped attempt for national election reform in South Dakota. SB138 stated that South Dakotans will no longer tie its electoral votes to its […]

Read the full article → October 29, 2012 by Tiberius Gracchus