Higher Education

Blue Ribbon Bust!

by Tiberius Gracchus on January 9, 2016

“First, we want a quality system of schools focused on student achievement. Second, we want a workforce of great educators. Finally, we want an efficient, equitable funding system that supports those goals… We need to understand where teacher shortages are occurring and what can be done to address them. We need to ask why 12 states can spend less per student than South […]

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Bored of Regents

A press release from the South Dakota Board of Regents on Thursday, December 5th announced a completed study and now predicts a shortage of home grown college graduates to meet a projected demand from the state job market over the next two decades. I should choke on a hotdog while watching a football game at […]

Read the full article → December 8, 2013 by Tiberius Gracchus