Thomas Jefferson

Whose Child Is This?

by Tiberius Gracchus on November 14, 2013

The American people often cry out for the renewal of bipartisan government. The bipartisan needs of an efficient and functioning government are essential as we’ve learned over the years. Unfortunately when fear and disdain for our fellow countrymen manifests itself we elect monoscopic brawlers to the halls of government. Still most Americans would like to […]


And Now A Word From Our Sponsors

  It is a contemptible lie for the “Religious Right,” judgmental fascists who seek to impose their personal view of Christianity on the rest of the country through political activism, and who now invade and taint the Tea Party and Liberty Movements with hateful sophistry, to amazingly claim to wave the banner of liberty in […]

Read the full article → November 9, 2013 by Aspasia