
The Fantasies of Weiland

by Tiberius Gracchus on May 12, 2014

Let me cast an eye and opinion upon Senatorial candidate Mr. Rick Weiland’s campaign website. Mr. Weiland is running for South Dakota’s U.S. Senate seat, meaning to replace Senator Tim Johnson who is retiring. Weiland declares “Take it back!” as his campaign slogan. His single stated priority is the desire to take our country and […]

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The White Racists Are Safely Ensconced in Their Trailer Parks

“… They are not in positions of power,” or so claims L. Todd Wood [No Oprah I’ve Never Owned A Slave… Am I supposed to feel guilty for something I didn’t do?, 8 Apr 2014], one of the Special Guests at the “Spend a Special Evening with Jason” event in Sioux Falls this coming Tuesday […]

Read the full article → May 10, 2014 by Aspasia

The People’s House

The House Membership was last increased one hundred years ago, and the constituencies have inflated to abusive levels. Today, 312 million people are represented in the House of Representatives by only 435 voting members. We have the second largest voting districts for lower houses in the world, behind only India. Yet even though every ten […]

Read the full article → January 7, 2014 by Tiberius Gracchus

Tyranny of the Masses

I am writing to draw your attention to the National Popular Vote movement. South Dakota Senate Bill 138 was written and tabled during the 2011 legislative session. It was the most recently dropped attempt for national election reform in South Dakota. SB138 stated that South Dakotans will no longer tie its electoral votes to its […]

Read the full article → October 29, 2012 by Tiberius Gracchus